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Intel na CeBITu 2010: Společně vytváříme budoucnost s IT

[Tisková zpráva] Společnost Intel vnímá progresivně orientovaná IT řešení a integrované síťové systémy jako odpověď na současné sociální, ekonomické a ekologické výzvy. Evropskou premiéru bude mít serverový procesor Intel Nehalem-EX a nové classmate PC s procesorem Intel. Budou představeny tři nové procesory Intel® Atom™ pro integrované aplikace: extrémně malé a energeticky úsporné.


Hannover/CeBIT, Feldkirchen, Německo, 2. března 2010 – V souladu s heslem letošního veletrhu CeBIT „Společně vytváříme budoucnost“ („Creating the Future – Together“) se Intel zaměří mimo jiné na to, jak mohou informační technologie zlepšit produktivitu pracovních procesů a kvalitu života. Rovněž se bude soustřeďovat na to, jak globálně propojené síťové systémy dokážou reagovat na sociální, ekonomické a ekologické výzvy našeho světa. Christian Morales, generální manažer společnosti Intel pro Evropu, Blízký východ a Afriku, na tiskové konferenci Intel detailně popsal, jak společnost tento proces aktuálně podporuje. Diane Bryantová, viceprezidentka a CIO společnosti Intel, nabídla pohled do zákulisí společnosti Intel. Hovořila o tom, jak IT přispívá k vytváření hodnot uvnitř společnosti. Intel se též na veletrhu chystá představit své nové procesory. Evropský debut si v Hannoveru odbudou procesory Nehalem-EX a Westmere-EP, které se oba objeví na trhu koncem prvního čtvrtletí. Intel rovněž představí tři nové procesory Intel® Atom™ určené speciálně pro integrované aplikace. Návštěvníci veletrhu se také mohou seznámit s novým classmate PC. To se na trhu objeví v druhém čtvrtletí roku 2010.

Další informace jsou k dispozici v anglickém jazyce:

Using IT to tackle social and economic challenges
Information technology creates added value that is critical for work and production processes and plays a key role in solving the most pressing social, economic, and environmental issues of the future. Intel Europe General Manager Christian Morales and Intel, CIO Diane Bryant highlighted these issues at the Intel CeBIT press conference in Hanover.

More and more, globally networked embedded systems are becoming a key technology in safeguarding added economic value and overcoming social challenges. These challenges range from healthcare and support, to reducing emissions and energy consumption, all the way to increasing the safety of transportation systems and vehicles. If the future of the embedded Internet, where intelligent systems from all over the world are interconnected, is to become a reality then not only will industry-wide standards need to be developed but also computers will need to become faster, come in ever diminishing sizes and use the least possible amount of energy. By comparison, around 1,000 processing elements are projected for mobile systems in 2022; comparable devices currently have 80 processing elements*.

Intel IT Performance Report and premiere of Nehalem-EX and Westmere-EP
The Intel IT Performance Report (http://www.in­tel.com/it/apr­.htm) shows precisely how Intel manages its enormous and ever-growing data volume and the role IT plays in the complex manufacturing process of microprocessors. Large-scale simulations on extremely fast supercomputers are needed to develop chips like the Westmere-EP server processor which contains 6 cores and integrates an astounding 1.17 billion transistors. Without high performance computing of this kind, this degree of complexity would be unthinkable as would a cost-effective development and manufacturing process.

The next generation of Intel server processors, set for market launch later this quarter, will be the new standard to beat when it comes to computing speed. Intel will give the first live demonstration of the Nehalem-EX processor at CeBIT. The chip is available with up to 8 cores and can process 16 threads simultaneously. Intel also introduces the Westmere-EP processor – the first 32nm chip that will be available end of first quarter 2010.

Compute power is one of the core research tasks of Intel Labs Europe. In research facilities all over Europe the typical day in the life of data is continuously optimized – from its collection to its storage, transportation, manipulation and right through to the final end user interaction.

New embedded processors and a preview of the new classmate PC design
At CeBIT Intel launches three Intel Atom processors with 7-year lifecycle support aimed at the embedded market. The processors – single-core N450 and D410, and dual-core D510 – feature integrated, enhanced graphics and memory controllers built directly onto the CPU, enabling performance improvements and, energy-efficiency. The three processors are paired with an I/O controller ideal for the embedded market – the Intel® 82801HM I/O Controller – for a 2-chip solution which provides rich I/O capabilities and adds flexibility via high-bandwidth interfaces, including PCI Express, PCI, SATA and USB 2.0 connectivity. The trio is ideal for small, energy efficient applications such as those found in industrial, print imaging and digital security surveillance embedded market segments. The CPUs are now available and the unit price for orders of 1,000 units ranges from between US$ 43.00 and US$ 63.00.

Intel is also unveiling a new design for the Intel-powered convertible classmate PC at CeBIT which combines aesthetics with ruggedness. It also boasts full PC functionality, enhanced e-reading capabilities, improved performance and an energy efficient design. We expect local PC manufacturers to bring this new design to market in the second quarter of 2010.

In the past year, we have seen governments placing more resources to bring 1:1 e-Learning to their classrooms, preparing students with tools and skills to thrive in the 21st century global economy. Countries such as Portugal and Macedonia are leading the way in country-wide deployments of PCs for their students. We expect the new convertible classmate PC design will offer countries more options that will cater for different needs of students around the world.

The CeBIT Intel press kit is available at www.intel.de/pres­sroom

O společnosti Intel
Společnost Intel je světovým lídrem v oblasti výroby a vývoje polovodičů, technologií, produktů a iniciativ s cílem soustavně zlepšovat pracovní prostředí a životy lidí. Další informace o společnosti Intel jsou dostupné na www.intel.com/pres­sroom a http://blogs.in­tel.com.

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