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Nová bezdrátová řešení Motorola SMART Branch ruší vysoké náklady na 802.11n networking

[Tisková zpráva] Výkonný access point AP650 a multifunkční rádiofrekvenční switch RFS4000 představují nový milník pro nízkonákladové podnikové 802.11n sítě v pobočkách nebo vzdálených lokalitách


Praha 20. října 2009 – Společnost Motorola Enterprise Mobility Solutions, vedoucí poskytovatel služeb a řešení v oblasti podnikové mobility, oznamuje dva nové přírůstky do svého portfolia pro bezdrátové podnikové 802.11n LAN (WLAN) sítě – SMART Branch portfolia – a to výkonný přístupový bod se dvěma rádii AP650 802.11n a switch RFS4000 s možností integrovaného přístupového bodu se dvěma rádii. Každé z těchto řešení nabízí snadno použitelnou, bohatou sadu integrovaných prvků za cenu, která umožní více společnostem, aby instalovaly a spravovaly vysocevýkonnostní bezdrátové sítě 802.11n ve velkých i malých vzdálených zařízeních. SMART Branch portfolio společnosti Motorola zahrnuje WLAN, správu a doplňková řešení, která od základu mění ekonomické nároky na 802.11n sítě. Řešení SMART Branch usnadňují fungování vzdálených IT oddělení tak, jako kdyby každé z nich mělo IT odborníka v každé pobočce. Výsledkem jsou bezdrátové sítě, které jsou rychlé, bezpečné a snadno instalovatelné, stále připojení uživatelé a okamžitá a efektivní technická podpora.

Dále zpráva pokračuje v anglickém znění.
“Recent ratification of the 802.11n standard and the growing interest from both small and large organizations to leverage mobility applications throughout their operations are helping accelerate the adoption of high-performance wireless LANs beyond the headquarters,” said Phil Solis, practice director, Wireless Connectivity, ABI Research. “While many organizations see the benefits enterprise mobility offers, they are concerned with the high cost of deploying and managing a distributed wireless network, and seek solutions that offer full functionality, security and services while helping drive down on going operational and maintenance costs.”

AP650 802.11n Thin Access Point
The powerful dual-radio Motorola AP650 thin multi-purpose access point offers a 2×3 MIMO with 24 dBm radios. List prices start at $495, so the cost of deploying 802.11n networks is reduced without compromising performance. The AP650 is controller-managed and offers all Motorola Wireless Next Generation (Wi-NG) operating system features, including SMART RF, security and plug-and-play (zero-touch) installation. Its multi-purpose capability allows IT departments to enable one radio for networking and another for sensing, so any dual-radio AP650 can support simultaneous access and services, including Motorola AirDefense intrusion prevention, advanced troubleshooting or vulnerability assessment solutions. Because the AP650’s frequency bands are unlocked, a single radio can monitor both 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz frequency bands concurrently for complete 802.11n vigilance and visibility. In addition, the AP650 offers 100 percent performance using standard Power-over-Ethernet (PoE), eliminating the need for costly infrastructure upgrades.

RFS4000 802.11n Integrated Services Controller
The RFS4000 802.11n integrated services controller integrates wired, wireless and security networking features into a compact and easy-to-use form factor, enabling organizations to create survivable branch networks using a single platform. The RFS4000 is also available with an integrated dual-radio 802.11n access point, which features powerful 3×3 MIMO with 27.7 dBm dual-band 802.11n radios for extensive coverage and performance. The wireless services controller’s multi-purpose capability allows IT staff to enable one radio for networking and the other for sensing, so the RFS4000 can support simultaneous access and services that include Motorola AirDefense intrusion prevention, advanced troubleshooting and vulnerability assessment. In addition, the frequency bands are unlocked so a single radio can monitor both 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz frequency bands concurrently for complete 802.11n vigilance and visibility. A distributed enterprise with RFS4000 services controllers in multiple branch offices can leverage Motorola’s RF Management System (RFMS) to enable central management, monitoring and policy compliance across the entire network.

Beyond offering rich wired and wireless networking and security services, the RFS4000 also delivers robust application services, including voice-over-WLAN (VoWLAN), video conferencing and video surveillance, locationing (Wi-Fi and RFID) and 3G backhaul via an express card slot. List pricing for the RFS4000 starts at $1,299.

“Working closely with customers and partners in the enterprise and government markets, Motorola recognizes the need for wireless infrastructure solutions that help them take advantage of new business opportunities while minimizing the total cost of ownership for these capital investments,” said Bob Sanders, corporate vice president and general manager for Global Wireless Network Solutions, Motorola Enterprise Mobility Solutions. “By expanding and strengthening the SMART Branch portfolio, Motorola is providing its customers and partners with solutions that make extending enterprise mobility applications and services affordable and hassle-free.” Motorola relies on a worldwide network of best-in-class partners to deliver enterprise mobility solutions that provide real-time information for better decisions and better results. With a level of industry experience and business acumen that can only be garnered through in-the-field experience, our partners can add significant value to enterprise mobility solutions. The AP650 and RFS4000 will be available worldwide through Motorola channel partners and Motorola sales in the fourth quarter of 2009.

Motorola delivers seamless connectivity that puts real-time information in the hands of users, which gives customers the agility they need to grow their business or better serve and protect the public. Working seamlessly together with its world-class devices, Motorola's un­rivaled wireless network solutions include indoor wireless LAN, outdoor wireless mesh, point-to-multipoint, point-to-point networks and voice-over-WLAN solutions. Combined with powerful software tools for wireless network design, best-of-breed security, management and troubleshooting, Motorola's so­lutions deliver trusted networking and access anywhere to organizations across the globe.

O společnosti Motorola
Společnost Motorola je celosvětově známá inovacemi v oblasti komunikačních technologií a soustředí se na pokrok ve způsobu, jakým se svět spojuje. Od širokopásmových komunikačních infrastruktur, podnikové mobility a řešení pro veřejnou bezpečnost až po HD video a mobilní zařízení vede Motorola další vlnu inovací, které pomáhají lidem, podnikům i státním institucím v kontaktu s jejich blízkými, k získávání potřebných informací a neomezenému přístupu k informacím. Motorola (NYSE: MOT) dosáhla v roce 2008 prodeje ve výši 30,1 miliardy USD. Pro podrobnější informace o společnosti, prosím, navštivte www.motorola.com.

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