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VMware oznamuje nové partnerské vztahy s ODM výrobci a rozšiřuje možnosti virtualizace pro partnery a zákazníky na celém světě

[Tisková zpráva] TAIPEI, Taiwan, 5. června 2008 – Společnost VMware, Inc., světový lídr v oboru virtualizačních řešení od desktopů po datová centra, na veletrhu Computex Taipei 2008 oznámil novou dohodu o spolupráci s ODM (Original Design Manufacturers – firmy navrhující a vyrábějící vlastní finální výrobky, které jsou prodávány pod značkou jiné firmy) společnostmi ASUS, Gigabyte, Inventec a Tyan. Obdobná spolupráce mezi VMware a společností Supermicro byla navázána již v únoru 2008.


Tato spolupráce umožní obchodním partnerům a konstruktérům systémů na celém světě zpřístupnit virtualizaci širšímu okruhu zákazníků, a to díky certifikaci rozsáhlé skupiny serverových systémů s jednou, dvěma nebo čtyřmi procesorovými paticemi a také blade serverů pro virtualizační platformu VMware. Zákazníkům všech velikostí to přinese ještě větší flexibilitu při výběru serverů, které budou nejlépe naplňovat jejich potřeby. Dodavatelé nyní certifikují svoje serverové systémy pro VMware ESX a ESXi hypervisor, certifikované systémy by měly být k dispozici koncem tohoto roku.

Dále tisková zpráva pokračuje v anglickém znění.

“As companies worldwide adopt virtualization in growing numbers, we continue to expand our partner ecosystem to provide customers with greater hardware choices,” said Brian Byun, vice president of global partners and solutions at VMware. “Working with the ODM community, we are helping our channel partner and system builder ecosystem bring new options for offering the transformative business advantages of VMware virtualization to a broader range of customers. Organizations of all sizes will benefit from these new relationships, particularly small and medium businesses looking for cost-effective ways to get more value from their investments, better protect their systems and data, and improve staff productivity.”

The VMware ESX hypervisor is the core production-proven VMware virtualization technology, used by tens of thousands of customers worldwide, including all of the Fortune 100 and 92 percent of the Fortune 1000. VMware ESX delivers the highest scalability, reliability and performance for running the most demanding applications, and it is rigorously tested and certified for more than 250 different types of servers, 60 operating systems, 260 storage arrays, and 75 applications, making it the most broadly deployable and trusted virtualization platform in the world. VMware ESX is highly cost efficient – its advanced resource scheduling and unique transparent memory management techniques often deliver twice the consolidation ratios of competing technologies.

The VMware ESXi hypervisor is the industry’s smallest hypervisor (32MB), enabling high levels of security and reliability, and it is the only OS-independent virtualization platform. VMware ESXi delivers single-server consolidation with fast and easy deployment—the first virtual machine can operate within minutes of booting a server with pre-configured and optimized hardware configurations.

Customers can easily upgrade from VMware ESXi to VMware’s datacenter virtualization and management suite, VMware Infrastructure 3, when they are ready to move from server consolidation to the next stages of virtualization. VMware Infrastructure 3 provides the capability for automatic load balancing, business continuity and power management and the ability to move a virtual machine across physical machines to minimize service interruption. VMware Infrastructure 3 is also compatible with VMware’s desktop virtualization and management solutions, as well as VMware’s suite of automation solutions for the virtual datacenter.

VMware ESX and ESXi are available on server systems from Supermicro immediately. VMware ESX and ESXi are expected to be available from ASUS, Gigabyte, Inventec and Tyan by the end of the third quarter of 2008.

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